joi, 21 ianuarie 2016

Morris Mini Concours 1960 - World Of Classic Cars -

Morris Mini Concours 1960

The first Austin Morris Mini was made by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) in 1959 and is still today considered a British Icon. The first example with the registration plate of '621 AOK'  is now on display at The Heritage Motor Centre in Warwickshire. This February 1960 Morris Mini Minor has been beautifully restored by Michael Standring of Wood & Pickett in 2013 with a complete 'nut and bolt, ground up' restoration and is finished in its original Clipper Blue.
Many of the early evolving Prototype features can be seen on this car, specifically floor push-start, flat front and rear screen panels, large upright steering wheel, welded seat brackets, chrome sliding window catches, original brass door hinges and straight 'magic-wand' gear lever.

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