marți, 12 ianuarie 2016

Ford Granada 1973 - World Of Classic Cars -

Ford Granada 1973

The Consul and Granada arrived on the scene in 1972 to banish the memories of the previous Zephyr and Zodiac, and show that a pan-European Ford could be just as desirable in London as it was in Berlin. The new executive car was certainly smart and well proportioned, and proof that Ford in the UK had not lost its direction stylistically, despite what some critics of the Z-cars might have been saying. Initially, the Consul name was chosen, not for continuity's sake, but because of a threatened law-suit by Britain's
Ford Granada 1973

Granada Group. Luckily, sense prevailed, and the Granada name was used across the range from 1975. Most car enthusiasts will fondly remember the Granada because of its appearances in The Sweeney, but fleet buyers across the land were turning to the new big Ford, as the rival Rover and Triumph 2000s were beginning to look stuffy by the beginning of the 1970s.

Ford Granada 1973

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