luni, 17 februarie 2014

Lightburn Zeta Sports - World Of Classic Cars - Rank 126

Lightburn Zeta Sports Coupe 1964

The Austin Mini had proved to be too much competition for Harold Lightburn’s Lightburn Runabout, even after a number of Australia-specific “Ute” pickups were tried, so he changed the direction of his automotive division to produce a small sports car, the Zeta Sports.

In 1959, Lightburn had obtained the rights to build the Frisky Sprint and persuaded the people responsible for its design, Gordon Bedson and Keith Peckmore, to come to Australia and develop the Sprint for production. The doors were deleted, as was the headrest fairing, and the windshield was changed. Power was provided by the Sachs 500 twin formerly used in the FMR Tg 500.
Lightburn Zeta Sports Coupe 1964

This is the only example of a Zeta Sports Coupe ever constructed. Its fixed top complements the lines of the body very well, without it appearing top-heavy. The full-length doors provide a long, sought after, conventional access to the well-fitted interior and the directional indicators have been moved to a much more visible position on the coupe top. This car is an opportunity to bring the stylish Zeta Sports to the level of its full potential as an attractive and very useable all-weather sports car.

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